
NOTE: Page Under Construction — Soon to be revised with updated information. Thank you for your interest.

Would you like to donate your time and talent? We have many opportunities for you if you do!!

CONSD is a volunteer organization. We have no paid staff. We have no grants or other forms of financial support. Our richness is in our members. It is amazing how much can get done if a lot of people put in a small amount of time. CONSD’s volunteers adhere to CO, Ltd’s Administrative Principle #6 which states “All who provide Contemplative Outreach services do so in proportion to and in balance with their personal, family, professional, business and other responsibilities.” The following is a list of volunteer opportunities:

Centering Prayer Introductory Service Team:
This team facilitates the implementation of the Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop and the six continuing sessions.

Communication Service Team: This team provides any type of messaging that CONSD needs to communicate with members, prayer group facilitators, or religious organizations in the North County area of San Diego . The current ways we are communicating are as follows:

The quarterly CONSD Newsletter
· Emails to Prayer Group Facilitators and Servant Leadership Team
· Flyers for Local Events
· Information Packets for Introductory Centering Prayer Program
· Emailed Recommendations on Retreats and Formation Events.

Spiritual Enrichment Team: This team plans and carries out half-day prayer retreats.

Registration Service Team:
This team facilitates the registration process for all events.

Hospitality Service Team: 
This team facilitates the provision of food and beverages at all events.

Financial Support Service Team:
This team manages the finances and provides monthly and year end financial reports.

Correspondence Service Team:
This team provides written thank you notes and other forms of written recognition.

At Large Service Team:
This team provides support and service as needed.

For more detailed information, contact Mary Williams:
Phone: 760-822-3916
Email: consdinfo@gmail.com 

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